Would this preserve trustee rights?

Just curious.. is anyone out there using Bacula to backup Novell servers
in the enterprise?

We are searching for an enterprise NetBackup replacement. (currently
backing up 100+ servers in a gov't environment)

Does the Bacula project have a 'commercial' arm that provides pay support?

If you do not feel that Bacula is best for this type of environment... ?
 I'm doing some research on Synsorts Backup Express also.

Thanks for all the feedback.


Jeronimo Zucco wrote:
> Jeffrey C. Baldwin escreveu:
>> I'm sure the question has been answered a thousand times....
>> But, here it goes again, can Bacula be used to backup Netware servers?
>> I did some searching via Google, and found some older mailing list
>> threads that suggested it might be possible, even something that
>> mentioned Novell themselves might be interested in working with the
>> Bacula developers to make it happen.
>> Anyhow... I appreciate any input/information on backing up Novell
>> servers via Bacula.  In our network we have Windows, Linux, Solaris...
>> but Netware is the primary file/print servers.
>> I did find some Suse RPM's, which led me to believe it *might* be
>> possible now.
> You can use ncpfs or NFS to do this, mounting the volumes with a 
> RunBeforeJob script.
> In my experience, NFS is much faster than ncp.

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