I have been involved in the Bacula project for a year now.  


The first 9 months I spent working 6-7 days a week, 8+ hours a day:

            porting Storage and the Director to Windows

            rewriting the installer

            redesigning the Windows build process and contributed
improvements to the Unix build

            fixing numerous Windows-specific as well as general bugs

            redesigning, simplifying and improving both the Windows and the
core code

            porting the regression tests to Windows

            migrating the Source Management from CVS to Subversion


I followed all the coding conventions, reviewed every significant change
with Kern, and did everything possible to comply with all rules (both those
outlined in the Developer's Guide as well as those inferred from reading
between the lines in Kern's emails).


I spent thousands of dollars putting together a test lab for all the tape
loader, tape drive and CD changer technologies.


During the last eight weeks I've been working on reproducing and fixing a
tape drive on Windows bug and writing a new monitor application for Windows.


I've watched the email lists for bugs that are specific to the new
components I've added as well as helping users with Windows specific install


I also worked on a couple of other open source projects with which I'm


Oh, and I caught up on some of my work that actually produces income.


The one thing I didn't do was update the manual.


As a result, my admin privileges for the Bacula project were removed and I
must submit all my changes as patches for review.


I've done my best to work with Kern and I thought everything was great until
the last week when he started threatening me with removing all the software
(Windows Server version) I'd just devoted the better part of the last year
working on.


I'm not sure what I've done to upset him, but I'm not prepared to work in
this environment.


One of the nice things about Open Source is that if you don't like the rules
you can not only take your marbles and go home, you can also take the other
guy's marbles too.


I'll be looking into providing a supported and compatible version of the
software for Windows.  Over time as the core code improves and diverges I'll
probably also release versions for the other platforms too.


I will also make sure that I pick up bug fixes from the Bacula project.


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