
On 6/27/2006 9:49 PM, Timo Neuvonen wrote:
>>>For the idea of fixing this... My first guess: how about changing the
>>>directory owner from root to bacula? That is, to bacula:bacula
>>>Is there spesific need it must be owned by root?
>>You can change it to bacula:bacula and I don't think it will cause any
>>problems.  However, as long as the user bacula is in the group bacula and
> the
>>bacula group has write permission on /var/bacula, it should all work fine.
> I don't know how groups stuff really _should_ work.
> But for me it very much looks things don't work that way.
> I guess since process is running with gid=disk, group permissions for bacula
> seem not to be effective, although process uid=bacula.
> I have a uncertain idea that you used to run SD as root?
> How is this working with someone else having an autochanger, and SD is run
> as root?

Naturally, running the SD as root always works, although it might be a 
security problem or against security policy. Anyway, I'm always running 
the SD as root, but this is on a dedicated backup server without user 


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