Bill Moran wrote:
In response to Emery Guevremont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I just upgraded to bacula 1.38.10 and the same problem keeps on happening. Please and can someone help me out.

Have you run dbcheck?  That's my new solution to everything.

dbcheck found nothing unusual.

Have you tried downgrading to 1.3.whateverusedtowork to see if the
problem goes away?

Well I upgraded, hoping it won't automagically solve the problem but it didn't.

Emery Guevremont wrote:
This started about a month ago.

I have a backup unit with an autoloader that carries 8 tapes, in 2 seperate pools. There's also a barcode reader that reads the labels on my tape.

My problem is that, everytime the tape changer changes tapes, bacula, for some reason, decides to relabel the newly loaded tape with the label of the previously loaded tape. This causes a problem, because everything gets corrupted and the labels the barcode reader reads don't match anymore with the label written on the tape. And obviously no backups get done. Here's the config for my bacula-sd.conf file.

Device {
  Name = "AutoLoader"
  Media Type = SDLT-320
  Archive Device = /dev/nst2    # Normal archive device
  Changer Device = /dev/sg1     # Generic SCSI device name
  Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
  Autochanger = yes
  LabelMedia = no;
  AutomaticMount = yes;
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  Spool Directory = /vservers/tmp
  Maximum Spool Size = 10000000000

I don't see anything wrong with that.

me neither.

I'm running version 1.34.6 and have been using the same tapes and autochanger since october of 2004. I haven't changed anything in my config files for months, but for some strange reason this started happening. Oh and this is the error message I get afterwards:

Not much help here.  If this automagic relabling is happening as you
describe, the log output that you attached is all symptoms occurring
after the problem.  Can you get log data of the actual mis-labeling?
If not, that's going to be your first chore, to catch Bacula in the
act and get logs of it doing this mis-labeling.

I haven't found anything about the relabeling in the log files. So well else can I do to debug this situation.
fn;quoted-printable:Emery Gu=C3=A9vremont
org:Croesus Finansoft
adr:;;2 Place laval, Suite 510;Laval;PQ;H7N 5N6;Canada
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title;quoted-printable:Administrateur des syst=C3=A8mes

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