Hmm.. What's the *right* way to "fix" this "issue"?

"status storage=DLT-0" gives:

Device status:
Autochanger "Sun-L11000" with devices:
   "DLT-0" (/dev/rmt/0cbn)
   "DLT-1" (/dev/rmt/1cbn)
   "DLT-2" (/dev/rmt/2cbn)
Device "DLT-0" (/dev/rmt/0cbn) open but no Bacula volume is mounted.
    Device is BLOCKED waiting for media.
    Slot 117 is loaded in drive 1.
    Total Bytes Read=0 Blocks Read=0 Bytes/block=0
    Positioned at File=0 Block=0
Device "DLT-1" (/dev/rmt/1cbn) is mounted with Volume "LYSH009"
    Slot 240 is loaded in drive 2.
    Total Bytes=7,056,579,873 Blocks=109,384 Bytes/block=64,511
    Positioned at File=7 Block=885
Device "DLT-2" (/dev/rmt/2cbn) is mounted with Volume "LYSE003"
    Slot 174 is loaded in drive 3.
    Total Bytes=5,492,391,458 Blocks=85,138 Bytes/block=64,511
    Positioned at File=7 Block=0

A "mount storage=DLT-0" causes absolutely nothing. If I try to tell
the robot to move the tape in that drive to it's storage slot it
complains (probably because the tape is loaded). I can't do an
"mt -f /dev/rmt/0n rewoff" because Bacula has that device open.

There are free/purged tapes available in the Default pool which is used
for that drive. Any good suggestions? (I know this report is kind of
sketchy but...).

I have backups running for the older pools/drives (pool Home uses drive
DLT-1 and pool ElfRune uses drive DLT-2) without and problems so I'd
prefer not to have to kill the Bacula daemons...

Peter Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            Phone:    +46 13  28 2786
Computer Systems Manager/BOFH                Cell/GSM: +46 705 18 2786
Physics Department, Linköping University     Room:     Building F, F203
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden        

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