Kern Sibbald wrote:
> On Thursday 15 September 2005 15:18, Jonte Norman wrote:
>>Are there any plans to implement multiple storages devices for the
>>same client in future Bacula versions? 
> No immediate plans. Once the SD starts for a Job, it locks on to a single 
> device.
You know, this brings up a potential issue.  Is this true when restoring
as well as when backing up?  I have a tentative plan (based on an offer
of an LTO1 drive) to start using LTO for my Full backups, for which my
VXA1 is no longer big enough to be really practical, but keep using the
VXA1 for incrementals, for which it's perfectly adequate.  Backing up,
this isn't a problem, because any given Job running at a specified level
goes only to a single device.  But does this mean that if I want to
restore a set of files on which some files come from a Full backup, and
some from Differential or Incremental, that I need to somehow split it
into two distinct jobs, perhaps by editing the BSR file?

As a workaround, I think it wouldn't be too hard to come up with a tool
to split the BSR file into two or more BSRs by device.  Can't test the
idea until I have a second drive, though.

 Phil Stracchino       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker
 Mobile: 603-216-7037         Landline: 603-886-3518

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