
On 13.09.2005 16:38, Bill McGonigle wrote:

Here's what I'd like to achieve:

    Load a new set of tapes (9 in this case) into auto changer.
    Backup happens every night to as many tapes as a backup takes.
If all of the tapes have been written, recycle the oldest tape *in the changer*

So I seem to have that all working with one exception - Bacula wants to use the oldest tape in the pool, even if it's not in the changer. I can see from the status that Bacula knows that it's not in the changer. I'd like to avoid having to switch pools since I'd like an administrative employee to just be able to unload and reload the set of tapes and have Bacula do The Right Thing without any console intervention.

I have:

  Recycle = yes
  Volume Retention = 3 days (a backup takes 3 tapes, 9 tapes in changer)

Tapes in the changer will show volstatus 'Recycle' when it asks for a missing tape.

I suspect I'm missing something obvious but I can't seem to figure out the proper magic. Any pointers appreciated.

You're using 1.36.3 or lower, right?
The see the directive "Accept Any Volume" in the pool definition chapter in the manual. http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/Configuring_Director.html#SECTION0001410000000000000000
It should do what you want, if you've got the retention times correct.


Bill McGonigle, Owner           Work: 603.448.4440
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