Thanks for the response everybody-

>I am the same position. I have decided to pause the whole project until
>1.38. I'm basing this decision on the fact that there is a lot of new
>features in this release and I definately don't want to roll out a flawed
>product on the network.
>I suggest you could fill the time gap with a further process of testing
>and evaluating the things you do have in place (server, a few clients,
>whatever media you are using). It should mean you are better prepared when
>the release arrives.

Unfortunatly, I need to get this system in place by friday- so that doesn't
leave a lot of room to strech out the "playing" time- :(

Our setup isn't going to be a "basic" setup, but it's all stuff that works
in 1.36-

We're using a 100 tape library, with three DLT8000 drives- one catalog setup
in PostgreSQL, probably three pools, one SD, spooling on disk, and we're
backing up ~50 clients (probably around 1 Terabyte total).

Any suggestions / thoughts would be appreciated.



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