
Arunav Mandal wrote:

I am running 1.36.3 on both director and storage deamon and diff. versions on 150 clients. Recently I started spooling to disk first then to tape with around 100 concurrent connections for director and storage deamons. Now the backups seems to take time Rate seems to be around 700KB/s before spooling and concurrent connections it was around 8000KB/s. I know too many clients are backing at the same time is that the reason?

I can't follow you here, but yes, having too many clients working concurrently can reduce the overall performance. You've got to find your personal optimal number of concurrent jobs depending on overall network throughput, server power, storage and spool speed - I don't think that it's possible to tell you what the perfect setup is for you.

Also when all the clients start backing up at the same time I can't log onto the console since there is no free connections left is there any way I can atleast reserve one connection for the console?

Two possible reasons:
Not enough connections allowed - change the numer in the config.
Server load too high - wait, or, better, have less clients run simultaneously. Remember that each job means a fork and a process, takes memory, cpu time, and loads the catalog database. That's all stuff you need to work on the console, too.




IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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