
Arunav Mandal wrote:

On Friday 09 September 2005 09:55, you wrote:


Arunav Mandal wrote:

The director is running on xeon 2.8Ghz having 4GB of RAM on Hardware
Raid0 and the storage demaon is on dual P4 3Ghz having 1GB ram and 1TB
disk spool(xfs) also on Hardware Raid0. Most of clients are on P4 3gig
machine with 1Gb ram running linux and windows.At peak there were
atleast 40Jobs running at the same time. I will give a example of
slowness below. As you can see the Rate is only at 568.2 KB/s before
spooling it was around 8000KB/S. At the time of this client backup there
were around 10 jobs running. As you can see this backup took around
7hrs. So my question is having latest hardware and enough memory why
this is slow and what could be done to improve it.

You've got to consider other things as well.
First, the overall throughput - how long does it take all jour jobs to
complete? Assuming that client speed is a limit, concurrent jobs should
improve this.
Second, network bandwith - If one client alone could saturate your
backup server's connection, multiple concurrent jobs won't be faster.
Your backup time window - sometimes it might be better to have clients
spool data overnight and only wait for job completion (despooling)
during work hours than having some clients waiting through the night and
loaded by spooling data during daytime.


Average full backups of clients take around 4 to 5 hrs and for servers it last upto 10 to 12hrs. For servers we are talking about 52gig. Munin shows peak network peak at 3Mbps so that is not much. Since I set concurrent jobs to 150 there is no clients waiting but to spool data takes much time and the problem starts when people bring laptops to office and take back in evening. I am not worried about despooling as we got SDLT600 2U autoloader from Tandberg and that is very fast on Ultra wide Scsi 320. The only thing I want is how can I make clients spool faster.

If that's your primary issue you could try the following:
- Put the catalog database onto a separate server
- Use more than one catalog
- Use more than one SDs, probably on separate servers, that use spool space exclusively.

That might help, but of course it means spending money.
Perhaps other large-scale bacula users can give better advice...


IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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