Kern Sibbald wrote:

It would be helpful if you send to this list in text format because some of us such as myself consider HTML to be a security problem (though rather minor).
My humblest apologies *blush* , reinstalled my workstation and forgot to add (and :)) as my Plain Text domain.

Be sure to check the development manual on this issue as the version shipped with 1.36.3 had a number of places where the text was out of date and thus erroneous.

OK , my bacula-dir 's Fileset resource looks as follows :

FileSet {
 Name = "wks1old Set"
 Include {
   Options {
      compression = GZIP6
      wildfile = *.exe
      wildfile = *.mp3
      wildfile = *.tmp
      exclude = yes
#     File = "f:/sqldumps"
     File = "\\<C:/bacula/bin/include.txt"

And my include.txt file :

"c:/Documents and Settings/danie"

When I do an estimate :

Connecting to Client wks1old-fd at
2000 OK estimate files=0 bytes=0

Not sure where I'm going wrong seeing as all seems fine. Any help will be greatly appreciated



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