On Tuesday 30 August 2005 14:48, Danie Theron wrote:
> Kern Sibbald wrote:
> >It would be helpful if you send to this list in text format because some
> > of us such as myself consider HTML to be a security problem (though
> > rather minor).
> My humblest apologies *blush* , reinstalled my workstation and forgot to
> add lists.sourceforge.net (and sibbald.com :)) as my Plain Text domain.

Don't worry, it was not serious.

> >Be sure to check the development manual on this issue as the version
> > shipped with 1.36.3 had a number of places where the text was out of date
> > and thus erroneous.
> OK , my bacula-dir 's Fileset resource looks as follows :
> FileSet {
>   Name = "wks1old Set"
>   Include {
>     Options {
>        compression = GZIP6
>        wildfile = *.exe
>        wildfile = *.mp3
>        wildfile = *.tmp
>        exclude = yes
>      }
> #     File = "f:/sqldumps"
>       File = "\\<C:/bacula/bin/include.txt"
>    }
> }
> And my include.txt file :
> "c:/Documents and Settings/danie"

Double quotes are not permitted in your include.txt file.
If that doesn't fix the problem, try turning on debug level 100 or 200, you 
should be able to "see" what is going on.

> When I do an estimate :
> Connecting to Client wks1old-fd at wks1-old.verpakt.com:9102
> 2000 OK estimate files=0 bytes=0
> Not sure where I'm going wrong seeing as all seems fine. Any help will
> be greatly appreciated
> D

Best regards,



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