On Wednesday 24 August 2005 21:18, Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 20:53 +0200, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > Yes, anyone can create anything from the source.
> Ok, cool.
> > I'm not sure about the requirements for Fedora Extras and CentOS
> > Extras.
> Yeah, wasn't questioning that, I'm somewhat familiar w/ them.
> > I'm not trying to restrict anyone any more than GPL and Copyrights do,
> > I'm just concerned to see that Bacula will continue when I'm no longer
> > here (hopefully, I'm concerned about this *long* before that time ... ).
> Excellent planning.
> > I would sure like to see Bacula in them, but I'm not prepared even to
> > *read* the *very* long rules that Fedora Extras has, much less run
> > rpmlint, and all the other stuff they want done.  I'm not complaining
> > about their requirements because it is a very reasonable way to ensure
> > good quality rpms, but I just don't have the time.
> I may devote some time into this, 

That would be nice.

> however my time is pretty taken up  with Legacy and with a book I"m writing, 
so we'll see (:

Good luck with your book.  From what I understand, it is a lot of work to 
write one.  Hopefully if you do, it will provide you with a bit of financial 

Best regards,



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