On Wednesday 24 August 2005 16:56, Alan Brown wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Aug 2005, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > I agree with this, but who is going to provide the support.
> Paying $500/year for development support would be easily justifiable, with
> support charges ramping up for those who actually need handholding, via an
> external contractor
> I'm sure there are companies on this list who could do contract
> handholding as a business model with a commission paid towards bacula
> development....

Would it help if I called these "development fees" rather than license fees?

One thing I will not do is to commit to support as long as there is no 
physical organization where someone or multiple persons would be responsible 
for the support. If you offer support, in my book, you must supply it. At 
this stage, this is not something I envision.

Best regards,



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