On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 01:30:56AM +0200, Jo wrote:
> Kern Sibbald wrote:
> >So, what I am suggesting as a *possibility* is:
> >- Modify the bacula-users (and probably bacula-devel) list to be subscriber 
> >only.
> >
> >What I don't like about this is that some users (such as myself) don't want 
> >to 
> >subscribe to lists even to get help, so their email will probably be lost, 
> >or 
> >at best, they will be confused and frustrated.  In a sense, it is reducing 
> >our service ...  At the current levels, the spam does not really bother me, 
> >but I can understand that it does bother a good number of you, so I have no 
> >problem changing the list as noted above.
> >
> >Before embarking on this change, I would appreciate some feedback from those 
> >who are concerned -- you.
> >
> My vote goes to a subscribers only list. On the OpenOffice.org lists I 
> can understand people don't even want to be subscribed for a day or two, 
> but this list is relatively low volume. People can always unsubscribe 
> when their problem is solved, but in general it's good 'to stay in 
> touch'. Especially for such crucially important software as a backup 
> solution.

I get a lot of spam, and the spam levels on this list are very very low
compared to my typical spam loads.  I think closing the list is premature.
Moreover, other closed lists that I'm on occasionally get spam from
listmembers whose machines are compromised (100.00% windows 'bots, so far).

> While we're at it. It would be nice to have the reply-to field set to 
> the list where the mail came from and not to the person who sent the 
> mail. Even though I switched to a mail client that has a send to all 
> button, I constantly forget that I have to press on that one to get mail 
> delivered correctly for this list.

The two opposing positions are:

I have no particular opinion one way or another, but popular sentiment
(including mailman's default settings) very much favor the first of the two.

Henry Yen                                       Aegis Information Systems, Inc.
Senior Systems Programmer                       Hicksville, New York

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