On Tuesday 17 May 2005 16:36, Jo wrote:
> Henry Yen wrote:
> >The two opposing positions are:
> >   http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html
> >   http://marc.merlins.org/netrants/reply-to-useful.html
> >
> >I have no particular opinion one way or another, but popular sentiment
> >(including mailman's default settings) very much favor the first of the
> > two.
> A fun read proving that it's always possible to debate a position from
> two sides. I will never ever ask for this again. Not on this list or on
> any other. Not after having received 3 copies of the same mail from Dan,
> who I respect a lot. I will train myself into using the Reply to All
> button and maybe I'll take out the adresses that are not relevant, to
> limit bandwidth and maybe I won't .
> So, sorry, sorry, sorry for bringing this up. It was totally out of
> place and I shouldn't have done it.

No need to be so sorry.  Dan just wanted you to change the subject line so 
that the Spam email remained spam and this started a new thread.  I made the 
same mistake by responding to you (twice) on the old thread.  No one is 
criticizing you for the question -- as you can see, there are two sides to 
every question ...  The subject comes up a lot, and I'm pleased that you 
brought it up so that Henry could finally clarify the subject with the 
pro/cons ...

> I'm also reconsidering my position on making the list subscriber only. I
> will set up my own private sendmail with a spamkilling content filter
> soon. So spam, virusmails, phishing and the like won't bother me anymore
> and I'll be able to read my mail from anywhere using IMAP, POP3 and
> maybe even webmail.

You may not need to go to all the trouble of setting up your own spam killer 
at least not for the Bacula lists.  Russell Howe has offered to do the 
administration, which means we will probably make the list subscriber only, 
but Russell will let through the non-spam.  The best of both worlds for 
everyone except Russell. I'd like to wait to hear all the input from those 
who want to respond, before making the final decision.

> Jo
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