I'm using bacula 1.34.6 and I haven't seen any wx-console app for windows.

Ludovic Strappazon wrote:
Hi Emery,

Did you think about using a restricted bconsole or wx-console on the client ?
You can adjust the rights so that any user can only use the run command for his own laptop and has nothing else to do than typing "run" and "yes".


Best regards,
Ludovic Strappazon.

Emery Guevremont wrote:

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or experience in setting up a script and/or batch file that a windows user could execute in order to start a backup of their laptop.

The problem I'm faced with is that I have windows users with laptops, which are constantly connecting/disconnecting from the network and they need to backup sensitive data to our backup system.

So far I was thinking of using putty to connect to the bacula director and execute a bash script which would start a backup by feeding commands to the bconsole.

Any of you have advice or experience with doing something like this? My goal is to keep this as simple as possible for the user.

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title;quoted-printable:Administrateur des syst=C3=A8mes

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