*>Also, for the sake of eliminating doubt, I urge the maintainers of
    *>CPAN to adopt a policy that each module must explicitly state its
    *>license or licenses.  Even if this is only applied for new and updated
    *>modules, over time it would do a lot of good.

    There is currently a plan for something called CPANTS, a testing service
    of sorts to test for the presence or absence of certian requirements.
    However, I doubt if we will be technically requiring anything but
    recommending. People are free to license at will as long as they aren't
    trying to sell it on CPAN. 

I have a feeling we are talking about two different questions.

My suggestion was for a requirement for listing a module on CPAN:
namely, that the module should have to state explicitly what its
licenses are.

Perhaps CPAN already has such a requirement--if so, please forgive me.
I am not really an Internet user, so I cannot check.

I think that CPAN should also have a requirement for which licenses to
allow, when publishing a module.  (Again, I can't check if CPAN
already has such a requirement.)  But that is a different issue.

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