"Yes. With rare exception, the Perl distribution is covered by both the
    Artistic License or the GPL, whichever is more appropriate for your needs
    and it doesn't sound like you would be in conflict with either of them."

These are the words that were not clear--they say that exceptions are
rare, but they don't say how to recognize when the rare exceptions

I was sent a bunch of previous messages, which did not make it very
clear who was saying what and why.  I thought perhaps those words were
the statement used on CPAN itself to say what the licenses are.  If
that is the case, then they ought to be clarified--they should give a
reliable recipe to tell what the license of any package is.

If those words were only used in one message a week ago, then maybe
there is no need to worry about them.  Maybe CPAN already gives a
reliable recipe.

The important thing is that it should be stated clearly in CPAN what
the license terms of each module on CPAN are.

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