>>>>> "Pavel" == Pavel Roskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Pavel> Let's make "missing" handle "mkdir -p" to begin with.

That would be fine with me.

Pavel> I still insist that no directories should be removed by "make
Pavel> uninstall" unless they defininely belong to the package being
Pavel> uninstalled.

I doubt there is any way to determine this.

Pavel> I don't want to figure out why /usr/local/man/man8 is not
Pavel> writeable by my group whereas /usr/local/man/man7 is.

Maybe we can work to solve this somehow.  This area is really
contentious, though.  Problems here come up periodically.  One idea
would be to have a version of "install" that can be easily hacked to
understand local system preferences.  Then it is up to the sysadmins,
and not us.


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