> Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

> I don't remember, what was the solution back then for your setup?

I have to check (which reminds me to look for a good package that would 
bookmark important mails/news, ok this is off topic)

I think Stefan provided a solution via the GNUmakefile

> Code simplification.

> Sorry, no idea.  But I'd say the change wasn't so drastic as you think,
> so I really can't tell why you can't build from a fresh clone.

Because it builds some variable from some git meta data which do not
exist in a mercurial clone.

> You can send patches without a working repository; would produce a
> little more work at the maintainer side, but it is doable.  

Well, I really feel uncomfortable using code which could not be tested
against the latest repository commit, by running make, 

yet providing such code seems more problematic 

> Again, I really suggest you drop your mercurial clone right now and
> stick to ELPA-devel if you need AUCTeX on a daily basis (and this is
> the last time I'm telling this :-)

Yeah and I found a workaround of sorts.

    1. I create a branch

    2. I convert/revert
       - GNUmakefile
       - auctex.el
       - preview.el
       - tex-site.el
       - tex-site.el.in

         to ba4d24c7b28a

That works, but most likely I should do some fine tuning.


I strongly condemn Hamas heinous despicable pogroms/atrocities on Israel
I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine.
I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. 
I support the EU and NATO membership of Ukraine. 

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