>>> "AE" == Arash Esbati <ar...@gnu.org> writes:

> Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:
>> I am using mercurial and the hg-git plugin and there have been problems
>> in the past for me compiling, but I just pulled (and upgraded Emacs to
>> 29.4)
>> While I can compile 
>> commit c77c97ab6b4096e29a
>> (22 August)
>> I cannot compile the latest commit 
>> 14de1605acdfaedda
>> Running make -j
>> Gives  me the following error, in basically all el file
>> style/transparent.el:32:2: Error: Symbol’s value as variable is void: 
>> AUCTeX-version
>> make: *** [GNUmakefile:95: style/transparent.elc] Error 1
>> Since I use auctex for my daily work, I wrote catastrophe!
>> I could bisect the issue, but I presume somebody more familiar with the
>> code will spot the problem quickly

> Maybe it comes from commit 2c0774281c.  So maybe you bisect to that
> commit and see what happens; also running "make clean"?

I have to run make clean every time 
I want to recompile c77c97ab6b4096e29a

Ok I try the bisect, given how long it takes to compile the lisp 

Ok, I think I found it

I cloned again:

If I want to compile  2c0774281c
I obtain again, this not in a git repository (which was discussed
several weeks ago and then solved)

And indeed the log entry looks scary

Stop preprocessing `tex-site.el'

Etc etc, 

Ok I was travelling when these changes happened and did not pay attention to 
any discussion on the list.

What is the reason for this drastic change?

Any chance that I can again compile auctex from a mercurial clone?

I can compile however the commit before that, namely 

> While we're at it: Why don't you install AUCTeX from ELPA-devel[1]?  It
> should really help with your non-Git setup and all the issues you're
> facing.

Simple explanation. I did not contribute very many style files, but a
few of them, and I am sure that in the future, I will continue doing so,
mostly also out of self interest 😉

However this is only possible if a have a working (= can compile)

> Best, Arash

> Footnotes:
> [1] 
> https://elpa.gnu.org/devel/doc/auctex.html#Using-AUCTeX-from-ELPA_002ddevel

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