Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

> Ok, I think I found it
> I cloned again:
> If I want to compile  2c0774281c
> I obtain again, this not in a git repository (which was discussed
> several weeks ago and then solved)

I don't remember, what was the solution back then for your setup?

> And indeed the log entry looks scary
> Stop preprocessing `tex-site.el'
> Etc etc, 
> Ok I was travelling when these changes happened and did not pay
> attention to any discussion on the list.
> What is the reason for this drastic change?

Code simplification.

> Any chance that I can again compile auctex from a mercurial clone?

Sorry, no idea.  But I'd say the change wasn't so drastic as you think,
so I really can't tell why you can't build from a fresh clone.

> Simple explanation. I did not contribute very many style files, but a
> few of them, and I am sure that in the future, I will continue doing
> so, mostly also out of self interest 😉
> However this is only possible if a have a working (= can compile)
> repository

You can send patches without a working repository; would produce a
little more work at the maintainer side, but it is doable.  Again, I
really suggest you drop your mercurial clone right now and stick to
ELPA-devel if you need AUCTeX on a daily basis (and this is the last
time I'm telling this :-)

Best, Arash

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