Hi Keita,

Ikumi Keita <ik...@ikumi.que.jp> writes:

> I think the cleanest solution is to add '(auctex nil)' to
> `package-load-list'. This doesn't register unused autloads for the first
> place. (I haven't tested yet, but I suppose that the code needs to be
> in early init file, right?)

This is also my understanding that `package-load-list' must be set in
early init file.  I can't find a reference to that in Emacs manuals,
though.  Maybe I drop Emacs a line about this.

> However, I don't have strong preference about it.

Same here.

> It seems so:
> ,----[ (elisp) Packaging Basics ]
> |    Emacs then searches every Lisp file in the content directory for
> | autoload magic comments (*note Autoload::).  These autoload definitions
> | are saved to a file named ‘NAME-autoloads.el’ in the content directory.
> | They are typically used to autoload the principal user commands defined
> | in the package, but they can also perform other tasks, such as adding an
> | element to ‘auto-mode-alist’ (*note Auto Major Mode::).
> `----

So the general possibilities to de-activate AUCTeX installed from ELPA

1) Set `package-load-list'
     (setq package-load-list '((auctex nil)))
   in early init file accordingly, or

2) Set in init file
     (unload-feature 'auctex-autoloads)
     (unload-feature 'tex-site)

Optionally, one can customize `TeX-modes' which applies also to the
current installation method.  If so, I'd say we can document that in the
manual and close the file.

Best, Arash

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