Hi Keita,

Ikumi Keita <ik...@ikumi.que.jp> writes:

> When there is a site-wide AUCTeX installation, a user who want to disable
> AUCTeX can achieve that by (unload-feature 'tex-site) under
> configure&make installation. But it seems that prescription doesn't work
> for site-wide ELPA AUCTeX installation; emacs refuses to unload
> `tex-site' saying:
> ,----
> | unload-feature: Loaded libraries ("c:/Program
> | 
> Files/Emacs/emacs-29.2/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/auctex-14.0.6/auctex-autoloads.el")
> | depend on c:/Program
> | Files/Emacs/emacs-29.2/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa/auctex-14.0.6/tex-site.elc
> `----

Thanks for raising this issue.  IIUC this is due this line of code in

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
;;; Ensure that loading the autoloads file also loads this file.
;;;###autoload (require 'tex-site)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

So this effect isn't limited to a site-wide installation, but to every
ELPA installation?

> Should we arrange the main branch so that (unload-feature 'tex-site)
> works for site-wide ELPA AUCTeX installation as documented? Or should we
> announce other way? (To cusomize `TeX-modes' to nil? To add '(auctex
> nil)' to `package-load-list'? Or something else?

Do you have any suggestion how to fix this?

> Maybe to have both (unload-feature 'autex-autoloads') and
> (unload-feature 'tex-site) ?)

This seems to be easiest way; I suspect the

(unload-feature '<pkg-name>-autoloads)

applies to every package installed from ELPA?

Best, Arash

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