Hi all,

you may have seen that there was some work in creating a new branch
'main' which can be used easily to make an ELPA release by anyone who
has write access to AUCTeX repo.  We have now 6 releases this way under
our belt and it works quite smooth.

The logical consequence from this effort is to drop the yearly tarball
release completely and go ELPA only.  I think this has some advantages:

• Take the burden from Tassilo/Mosè for every ELPA/tarball release
• Provide a test-release facility with ELPA-devel
• Simplify the code base (c.f. GNUmakefile in main-branch)
• Get rid of updating the homepage which is not really fun and linking
  the manual to ELPA page which is formatted better (IMO)

If we agree on this, some work is still ahead of us, mainly deleting
bigger portions of text in auctex.texi, and of course the way we want to
organize the branches.  I see 2 options:

• Archive current master as auctex-13, and keep main as default branch.
  This means that every commit generates a new release on ELPA-devel.
• Archive current master as auctex-13, and introduce a new intermediate
  default branch, say develop or some such.  And then merge into main on
  a regular basis.

I don't have a strong opinion on the above, but switching between the
current master and main is somewhat cumbersome because of the different
heritage these branches have (take adding a new style for instance).

I'm adding also the inactive maintainers and the distro maintainers I
know of to this mail, any comments welcome.

Best, Arash

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