Hey, This is the last time that I will reach out to you regarding this particular opportunity as our client is looking to allocate their budget within the next 24 hours.
If in the future you decide that you would like to work with us please get in contact with me and we can either book in a call or communicate via email. *We are always looking for more high quality publishers to join our network.* Have a great day Thanks, *Charlotte Ward* Head of Partnership Management *w: *collabonline.xyz *e: *charlo...@collabonline.xyz click here <https://h1.mltrk.io/unsubscribe/U0xRSmJtVW40NWhVVTNiVFdBcVpxcWQvQ3VpSHB0a2xzeHp1STJpZ1NXd3hDUGo4dUxrdTFOaWttNFMxN3JMY2JDQXBVSEYwdmFRbGN2TWgxekdyWW16YlUvOFlEN0JPSHpQaHdnTkJWbTNSZFZkN0piQmJzbjdjY3pyR0lpWHUtLWJzemdmbzJndkVZcFljMlloNFRvWnc9PQ==--aabcca43186ff15afc2303e1560407a5f5682619> if you don't want to hear from me again