Hey again, I reached out to you a few days ago as we have a an advertiser who interested on posting to your site.
They are hoping to work out a deal this week - so while I completely understand if you are busy if you are or aren't interested could you please let me know. Thanks, *Charlotte Ward* Head of Partnership Management *w: *collabonline.xyz *e: *charlo...@collabonline.xyz click here <https://h1.mltrk.io/unsubscribe/Z1k4UURsRFc1VVcxVWZLdzgzSmZsY044d1UxME9WcExvR3IvV2N1cHAxOWpLUm95MUQvU2lMMlFuZnVYSi9FTE9NY3FPTXpORXF1QjJDL2lGQ2twdzZ3V3VqcTBnV1hZWDVOM1F1T1RONFA3TDcxSjlBTGtiOHFYOTZYZkFGWVctLXlGWW8vdCtHVlVpeTRFRWRsQ2JrRXc9PQ==--6998190da67026cd4c5cbe342767dc4b36beaa34> if you don't want to hear from me again