Hey, My name is Charlotte and I am the head of partnership management for Collab. Just for some context as to why I am reaching out - at Collab we specialize in connecting publishers and advertisers and one of our current advertisers has requested that we try get in contact with you.
We were hoping to talk with the owner of mail-archive.com - as *we have an advertiser who is very interested in posting on your site*. Is this something that you would be interested in? Thanks, *Charlotte Ward* Head of Partnership Management *w: *collabonline.xyz *e: *charlo...@collabonline.xyz click here <https://h1.mltrk.io/unsubscribe/YmxvL2hHeCtzVCtOemJXOE1QRkNYK2Nvdm1hVmEzT09uZGRIbHVKTFVmeUlnT0pVaThvaEtndkNpMWh0aU9KRW4xRmFRWFIvaVUydzRnbDkyWlBLSDQrbm9TNUxjTGtiRmZLeXB2MWIyelZQRHNNRHpBRi9ETFFtSGE3ZVlOMkwtLVN2WnFndzVwdUU4TzJmZ0svaEJNd1E9PQ==--303ecfaed76e29f4f9438dfa68572480a9d1dc17> if you don't want to hear from me again