On 12/16/24 5:06 PM, Janet Cobb via agora-business wrote:

On 12/15/24 16:45, secretsnail9 via agora-official wrote:
9197~   Mischief, ais523, Kate  1.5   The Game is Afoot

PRESENT. "by an announcement" isn't defined; it should be "by
announcement, clearly identifying [...]".

Rule 2201 uses very similar wording:

      When this happens, the publisher of the original document SHALL
      (if e was required to publish that document) or SHOULD (otherwise)
      do one of the following in a timely fashion, in an announcement
      that clearly cites the claim of error:

Granted, #2 in the subsequent list has "publish" in it (which covers the same ground) -- but the others don't.

Collector, Illuminator, Prime Minister
Hat: steampunk hat
Vitality: alive
Bang holdings: 2

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