On 11/16/24 8:17 AM, Katherina Walshe-Grey via agora-discussion wrote:

Having spent a little while thinking how I would approach such a patch,
I think it might be simpler to just avoid using the "fee" language in
this new rule.

Perhaps something like this:

       Whenever a contest's body provides that a specific player wins N
       radiance, if it possesses N candles, those candles are destroyed
       and that player gains 1 radiance simultaneously.

Ooo, that's even better. As I was looking into the "patch" approach, it was turning into a mess of amendments to multiple rules.

Maybe it could also go into the list in rule 1742 (Contracts)... that way if it's additionally by announcement, there's a specific action triggering the change

Collector, Illuminator, Prime Minister
Hat: steampunk hat
Vitality: alive
Bang holdings: 2

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