On Sun, Aug 18, 2024 at 5:16 PM Mischief via agora-discussion < agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> > Proto-Proposal: "Stone of the People" (AI=2) > > [This is meant as a replacement for the Sabotage Stone. It's a milder > effect than the Sabotage Stone. However, you can target all of a single > player's proposals at once, so replicating the Sabotage Stone's > workaround would at least require multiple players acting together. Some > of the wording is taken from the last paragraph of rule 2606 (Proposal > Classes).] > > Amend rule 2645 (The Stones) by adding the following to the list of > stones at the end: > > - Popular Stone (weekly): When wielded, the wielder may specify > one or more proposals. If e does so and all specified proposals > have the same author, then any target proposal that is ordinary > has its class flipped to democratic; a target proposal is a > proposal specified during the current wielding of the Popular > Stone that 1) is in the Proposal Pool or 2) there is an > referendum on it whose voting period has not yet ended. > I believe it is *a* referendum, not *an*. Also, this implies the existence of a more useless stone, the "unpopular stone", that makes a proposal ordinary. :3 -- 4ˢᵗ wearing Jester's Cap Uncertified Bad Idea Generator