Proto-Proposal: "Stone of the People" (AI=2)

[This is meant as a replacement for the Sabotage Stone. It's a milder effect than the Sabotage Stone. However, you can target all of a single player's proposals at once, so replicating the Sabotage Stone's workaround would at least require multiple players acting together. Some of the wording is taken from the last paragraph of rule 2606 (Proposal Classes).]

Amend rule 2645 (The Stones) by adding the following to the list of stones at the end:

      - Popular Stone (weekly): When wielded, the wielder may specify
        one or more proposals. If e does so and all specified proposals
        have the same author, then any target proposal that is ordinary
        has its class flipped to democratic; a target proposal is a
        proposal specified during the current wielding of the Popular
        Stone that 1) is in the Proposal Pool or 2) there is an
        referendum on it whose voting period has not yet ended.

Hat: steampunk hat
Vitality: ghostly
Bang holdings: 0

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