On Sun, Aug 18, 2024 at 5:16 PM Mischief via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> Amend rule 2645 (The Stones) by adding the following to the list of
> stones at the end:
>        - Popular Stone (weekly): When wielded, the wielder may specify
>          one or more proposals. If e does so and all specified proposals
>          have the same author, then any target proposal that is ordinary
>          has its class flipped to democratic; a target proposal is a
>          proposal specified during the current wielding of the Popular
>          Stone that 1) is in the Proposal Pool or 2) there is an
>          referendum on it whose voting period has not yet ended.

I'm undecided on the proposal itself. To be honest, I've always thought
that letting stones interfere with proposals in this way is a bad idea.

That said, I do have a minor phrasing quibble: I would prefer "may specify
one or more proposals which have the same author" or "may specify one or
more proposals provided they all have the same author" or something like
that. In other words, I'd like the author validation to be part of the
specification check, rather than a separate step afterward. That way
everything after the specification sentence is the effect, rather than a
limit on what specifications are valid.



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