On 11/22/23 17:38, nix via agora-discussion wrote:
>>>     If no player has won by victory tokens in 3 months, the player with
>>>     the most victory tokens CAN win by announcement.
>>> Enact a new rule titled "Stamps for Strength":
>>>     A player CAN pay three stamps with the "Strength" stamp
>>>     specialization. Eir Voting Strength is increased by 2 on all
>>>     ordinary referenda currently being voted on.
>> There should be a named action here (like for the Power Stone). Also, I
>> continue to believe that instantaneous voting strength changes do nothing.
> It seems to work for other such clauses, or at least we've been playing
> as such.

What other such clauses? We don't have any in the rules to my knowledge
(and haven't for at least a little while).

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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