On 3/16/23 18:18, Yachay Wayllukuq via agora-discussion wrote:
> I'd like to try out and practice Proposal-making with something modest. I'd
> greatly appreciate feedback.
> Title: Chicken Dinner
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Yachay
> Coauthors:
> Body:
> {
> Create a new Power 1.0 rule that says:
> "If this rule has existed in the Ruleset for 7 days or more, then any
> Player may perform a Chicken Dinner by announcement, if it has never been
> performed previously. When a Chicken Dinner is performed, then a player
> becomes the Winner Winner, that player being the active player in the n-th
> place in an ordered list of all active players ordered by their date of
> first registration (Starting at 1 and the oldest-registered player, the
> next-oldest being 2, and so on), being n the first number in the "3 NUMBERS
> FROM 1 TO 50" section of https://avkg.com/en/daily-random/. If there would
> be no active player in that n-th place, then the Chicken Dinner action
> CANNOT be performed. The message containing the Chicken Dinner MUST also
> unambiguously have stated the ordered list mentioned, and the "Daily
> Random" number corresponding to that Agoran day.
> Upon becoming the Winner Winner, that player gains 3 stamps of their own
> type.
> The Winner Winner does not win the game through any manner stated in this
> rule.
> }

Regardless of mechanics, I would strongly prefer to avoid "Winner
Winner" here.

Don't use a website, just use the standard random choice mechanism.

Don't use a "MUST" to impose effectiveness requirements upon an action.

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Mad Engineer, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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