On Sat, Mar 26, 2022 at 1:52 AM Trigon via agora-business <
agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> For another thing, if this were any other report this would not have
> been a pointable offense; instead it would have been a harmless CoE.
> Officers make mistakes, and there are mechanisms in the rules to account
> for human error. This is a double standard that does not do us any good
> to uphold.

The fact it isn't a regular report is why I pointed a finger, it was
something that actually had an effect on the game. My subpar proposal has
to be voted on now, when I thought it wouldn't be because it wasn't pended.

Finally, this literally does no harm whatsoever to Agora. In my opinion
> crimes exist to chastise someone if something they do harms Agora or
> makes it unreasonable to play. I get that this is probably all for the
> most-fingers-pointed reward. That is a mechanic of which I have never
> been a fan because it goes against that philosophy.

Good thing sets getting repealed could get rid of that. I personally don't
know why you wouldn't point a finger at a crime while the option for it to
be forgivable exists. If someone accidentally breaks the rules, I think
it's in good form to point that out so hopefully the same mistake doesn't
happen again and cause someone trouble.

I pointed this out because in my head it was very clearly a violation of
the rules, given the recent "End of Sets" proposal left the relevant text
fresh on my mind. I thought I ought to point out any rule violation,
disregarding any rewards it would give me.
secretsnail, who foolishly thought a forgivable crime wouldn't be that bad
to point out

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