On 2021-09-22 12:35, ais523 via agora-discussion wrote:
This seems far from harmless to me; I think a plausible reasing is that
a sufficiently high-powered rule containing this text is impossible to
repeal. (This may mean that by AIAN, we can't enact it in the first
place, but I don't really want to take a risk here.)
This part at least shouldn't be a problem even if your concern holds;
here are two possible constructions that would bypass that:
Enact a Power-5.1 rule with the text:
"All other Rules notwithstanding, every Rule can be repealed by proposal."
Repeal the Rule "High Five", then the just-enacted Rule.
Amend the Rule "High Five" by removing the line "This is the
highest-powered Rule, no matter what. Even if it wouldn't be, it is."
Repeal the Rule "High Five".
On 2021-09-22 12:35, ais523 via agora-discussion wrote:
A note for older Agorans: we used to have an explicit rule that Power
couldn't be set higher than 4, but that seems to have been repealed at
some point, so there doesn't seem to currently be any inherent barrier
to a rule with power above 4 existing (although the builders of the
Town Fountain might get upset by it).
As for this, I see in Rule 2141 "Role and Attributes of Rules" the
clause "Every current rule has power between 0.1 and 4.0 inclusive.",
but we could not agree on what (if anything) that actually does!