Here's my draft report. -Aris --- PROMOTOR'S REPORT AS OF RIGHT NOW
The proposal pool contains the following proposals: Author(s) AI Title --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jason 1.0 More officer cards Murphy, R. Lee 3.0 Simpler ribbon switches Murphy, CB 3.0 Clarify asset ownership Legend: <ID>* : Democratic proposal. <ID># : Ordinary proposal, unset chamber. <ID>e : Economy ministry proposal. <ID>f : Efficiency ministry proposal. <ID>j : Justice ministry proposal. <ID>l : Legislation ministry proposal. <ID>p : Participation ministry proposal. <ID>^ : Sponsored proposal. The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where the information shown below differs from the information shown above, the information shown above shall control. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Title: More officer cards Adoption index: 1.0 Author: Jason Co-authors: Amend Rule 2624 (Card Administration) by replacing the final paragraph (including the list) with the following: { The officeholder of an office CAN by announcement grant another player a specified type of card, specifying that office, under the following conditions: * e has not done so in reference to that office in the current Agoran month, * that office's interests includes the card's associated ministry, * the player receiving the card does not hold an office with the card's associated ministry in its interests, and * the player receiving the card is not a zombie. } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Title: Simpler ribbon switches Adoption index: 3.0 Author: Murphy Co-authors: R. Lee Amend Rule 2438 (Ribbons) by replacing this text: Ribbon Ownership is a secured person switch, tracked by the Tailor in eir monthly report, whose values are the subsets of the set of types of Ribbon, defaulting to the empty set. If the rules are amended to change the types of Ribbon, if a player's Ribbon Ownership is subsequently illegal, then it is updated by removing all nonexistent types rather than resetting the entire value to default. To "award a person a <Ribbon type>" is to add that type of Ribbon to that person's Ribbon Ownership. A person "owns a <Ribbon type>" if that type of Ribbon is an element of eir Ribbon Ownership. with this text: For each type of Ribbon, <type> Ribbon Ownership is a secured negative boolean person switch, tracked by the Tailor in eir monthly report. To "award a person a <Ribbon type>" is to flip that person's <that type> Ribbon Ownership to True. A person "owns a <Ribbon type>" if eir <that type> Ribbon Ownership is True. and by replacing this text: While a person owns all types of Ribbon, that person can Raise a Banner by announcement. This causes that person to win the game. That person's Ribbon Ownership becomes the empty set. with this text: While a person owns all types of Ribbon, that person can Raise a Banner by announcement. This causes that person to win the game. When a person wins this way, for each type of Ribbon, that person's <type> Ribbon Ownership is flipped to False. For each type of Ribbon, for each person whose Ribbon Ownership prior to the adoption of this proposal included that type, flip eir <that type> Ribbon Ownership to True. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Title: Clarify asset ownership Adoption index: 3.0 Author: Murphy Co-authors: CuddleBeam Amend Rule 2576 (Ownership) to read: Each asset has exactly one owner. If ownership of an asset is restricted to a class of entities, then that asset CANNOT be gained by or transferred to an entity outside that class. By default, ownership of an asset is restricted to Agora, players, and contracts, but an asset's backing document may modify this. If an asset's owner would otherwise be nonexistent, indeterminate, or invalid, then it is owned by the Lost and Found Department (if possible) or destroyed (otherwise), subject to modification by its backing document. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the Lost and Found Department can own assets of every type. Assets owned by the Lost and Found Department can be transferred or destroyed by any player without objection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////