On 7/3/20 7:32 PM, omd via agora-business wrote: > Multiply all positive Karma values by 3 (to compensate existing Karma holders > for expected inflation). Replace all negative Karma values with 0 (because > Karma will become a currency). > > Amend Rule 2510 (Such is Karma) to read: > > Karma is a currency tracked by the Herald. > > Up to once per week, each player CAN grant a specified other > player 1 Karma by announcement. A player CAN also transfer any > amount of eir own Karma to another player by announcement. In > both cases, for this to be effective, e must give a reason why > the other player should gain Karma. > > At the beginning of each quarter, the Karma of every > Unregistered person is halved (rounding towards 0). > > Karma cannot otherwise be transferred or destroyed.
I'm not sure whether this is enough to have R1586 automatically transfer switch karma to asset karma. It otherwise seems mechanically sound, but I'm probably PRESENT at most. -- Jason Cobb