On 7/3/2020 4:32 PM, omd via agora-business wrote:
> Proposal: Upvotes (AI=1)
> {
> Multiply all positive Karma values by 3 (to compensate existing Karma holders
> for expected inflation).  Replace all negative Karma values with 0 (because
> Karma will become a currency).
> Amend Rule 2510 (Such is Karma) to read:
>        Karma is a currency tracked by the Herald.

>        Up to once per week, each player CAN grant a specified other
>        player 1 Karma by announcement.  A player CAN also transfer any
>        amount of eir own Karma to another player by announcement.  In
>        both cases, for this to be effective, e must give a reason why
>        the other player should gain Karma.

This doesn't overrule the general ability to transfer Karma, in other
words, "A player CAN also transfer..." is already in the rules because
it's a liquid currency by default.

But you want to keep it out of contracts I'm guessing, so limit the
currency to being owned by players?

> But we've had Karma for around three years, and it had several
> predecessors before that.  There's a benefit to shaking things up.

Any technical hitches aside, +1^.

(let's make ^ shorthand for some part of this process?)


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