I have looked at all the CFJs involved and your gratuitous arguments and am ready to deliver my judgement. Am I good to do so?

On 7/2/2020 3:32 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-business wrote:

On 7/2/2020 11:41 AM, ATMunn via agora-discussion wrote:
So where this sort of thing got judged or entered custom to count for our
version of "clear" is still a mystery.  So at this point, I'm honestly
happy if the judge just mentions "this sort of thing worked before, but
the precedents are confused and let's look at it fresh" or "this one was
*extremely* buried" with maybe a quickie comparison between the actual
past hidden messages (not worrying much more what the past judgements

I will make sure to look at the CFJs first, but it's likely that this is
what I will do.

Thanks!  Not requesting more than that.

I'll add a gratuitous coda/final argument for the record:

This chapter in Agoran history ended soon after the Bank Heist, which
brought about a dependent action fix by Proposal 8107 (Buried Intent
Prevention Act v2, adopted 27-Oct-18).  That proposal changed this text:

  “1. A person (the initiator) announced intent to perform the action,
  unambiguously and clearly specifying the action and method(s)
(including the value of N and/or T for each method), at most fourteen
days earlier.“


“1. A person (the initiator) conspicuously and without obfuscation
  announced intent to perform the action, unambiguously and clearly
specifying the action and method(s) (including the value of N and/or T
for each method), at most fourteen days earlier.“

This separation made "without obfuscation" part of the whole announcement
message (meaning 'no hiding' the intent overall), but separated
"unambiguously and clearly specify" to refer only to the intent contents
(asking once you find the intent in the message, is it clear?)  That
distinction currently persists in game custom, and in the dependent action
rules text (game custom seems to apply the standard to all action
specifications not just intents), and is the basis for my vote counting.


friendly neighborhood notary here :)

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