Yeah, I will do that. See my reply to G.'s reply.
On 7/2/2020 2:03 PM, nch via agora-discussion wrote:
On 7/2/20 12:40 PM, ATMunn via agora-discussion wrote:
I have put together my judgement for CFJ 3860 [assuming that is the
number it will be assigned by the CotC]. I am mainly publishing this as
a draft and not an official judgement because I want to wait for
confirmation that it is actually CFJ 3860. Unless someone finds a major
issue with my logic, I will leave the judgement as is.
FWIW I think what you have makes sense but since variations of this
topic have been discussed in previous CFJs this would be much stronger
if you incorporated them. Either to explain how they support your
ruling, why this situation is different than those, or why you think the
precedent doesn't apply/should be overturned. That would make this a
much more convincing ruling overall.
friendly neighborhood notary here :)