On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 9:29 PM nch via agora-discussion < agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> On 6/25/20 6:40 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-discussion wrote: > > Title: Regulatory Instruments v2 > > Author: Jason > > Coauthors: Aris > > Adoption index: 3.0 > > Reading this it seems mechanically sound. However I kind of agree with > G. Were there any specific deficits with the current regulation system > that have affected gameplay negatively? Do we need the extra protections > offered by bodies of law? The underlying premise of bodies of law is that it makes sense to have rules, regulations, and probably also contracts follow the same basic framework. This unification in processing was thought to be inherently beneficial. It's something we have been discussing for a while. That being said, if this adds complexity... Maybe we should reconsider the whole project? Maybe these systems simply shouldn't be unified? Jason, I know you've been working on this for quite a while. You've been doing a lot of good stuff and the results are quite impressive. And I honestly don't like suggesting that we not use so much good thoughtful work. That being said, people's comments here have made me wonder whether this entire affair was a good idea. Bodies of Law made the ruleset more complicated. At the time I was concerned about the complexity but thought the eventual uniformity that would result would make it all worth it. It's starting to feel like maybe I should have listened to my gut and argued against it. -Aris