This is a draft of Regulatory Instruments, which was originally submitted as a proposal, but had a few bugs. I'm submitting it here as a draft for any further feedback.
Title: Regulatory Instruments v2 Author: Jason Coauthors: Aris Adoption index: 3.0 { [The purpose of this proposal is to expand bodies of law to encompass regulations, bringing them under the rules and protections of that system. However, this also means that regulations will now always be taking effect, allowing them to potentially do some damage, so please vet this proposal carefully.] Amend Rule 2493 to by replacing the first paragraph with: { A regulation is an enduring instrument defined by the ruleset, which must be authorized by a rule (its parent rule) in order to exist. Unless otherwise specified, the regulations of each parent rule comprise a single body of law. The scope of a body of law formed from regulations is wholly limited to the scope defined by its parent rule. } [The default of all regulations from a single parent rule being a single body of law was selected as the least bad default, when compared to each regulation being in its own body of law or with all regulations being in a single body of law. The sentence about the scope is probably not necessary, but is there for maximum clarity.] Amend Rule 2614 by replacing the second paragraph with the following: { Emergency Regulations are regulations defined by this rule, all of which comprise a single body of law. The Prime Minister is the promulgator for Emergency Regulations and CAN, in an emergency message and with 3 Agoran consent, enact, amend, or repeal Emergency Regulations, provided that the intent to do so was also contained in an emergency message. } [The scope of Emergency Regulations is intended to be defined by the list with a "CAN" that immediately follows the changed paragraph.] Amend Rule 2545 by replacing the final paragraph with the following: { Auction regulations are regulations defined by this rule, all of which comprise a single body of law, and for which the Treasuror is the promulgator. The scope of auction regulations is wholly restricted to defining specific auction methods (i.e. "the default auction method") and placing binding obligations upon auctioneers. Definitions in auction regulations are used by Rules whenever clearly identified. The Treasuror SHOULD promulgate auction regulations in a manner that aids trade and commerce. To further aid trade and commerce, auction regulations are to be interpreted in the name of fairness with deference to the method's clear intent, if intent can be reasonably inferred. } [This is wordy because it attempts to preserve all of the wording currently in the auction rules. The "binding obligations" phrasing is intended to incorporate all requirements from the regulations into requirements by the rules, but I'm not sure how effective it is.] Amend Rule 2464 by replacing the final sentence of the final paragraph with the following: { Each Tournament's regulations comprise a body of law. The scope of each such body of law is wholly restricted to governing the play of the tournament (including determining a winner) and placing binding obligations upon those who have consented to participate. } [Same here with the "binding obligations" phrasing.] Amend the Rule with the title "The Administrative State" by prepending the following to the first paragraph: { Administrative Regulations are regulations defined by this rule and associated with an office, with scope wholly limited to what is authorized by this rule. Each office's Administrative Regulations comprise a single body of law. } [This only has effect if one of Aris's proposals has enacted this rule, and should be compatible with either one.] } -- Jason Cobb