never mind, cant read. rest of argument still stands on ordinary meaning of
attempt in a criminal context. new common sense arguments: rules tend to
think intending anything you want is okay and criminalizing formal intent
is bad, see the No Faking rule (exempting intent)

On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 1:48 PM Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion <> wrote:

> On 6/18/2020 8:02 PM, Rebecca via agora-discussion wrote:
> > Merely thinking and planning to commit murder isn't attempted murder, the
> > acts carried out have to be "more than merely preparatory" (under English
> > law). The same applies to this analogous crime, merely preparing to take
> > the ossifying action is not an attempt; attempt is actually doing an
> action
> > (even if that action fails, as it would ossify Agora).
> >
> > The thing my proposal had to do with it was that it removed the bit that
> > said "intending to do a forbidden art is a crime" (or whatever). For what
> > it's worth under the common sense factors, the fact that making a formal
> > intent to do an action that would ossify the game was specifically
> removed
> > from the rule means that it is unlikely the rule is meant to still
> > criminalize it.
> >
> Where's the "intent" bit in Rule 2617/0 I'm completely missing it:
> Rule 2617/0 (Power=1.0)
> Defense Against the Dark Arts
>       A proposal is forbidden if it would, upon successfully taking
>       effect, cause Agora to be ossified or to cease to exist.  An
>       action is forbidden if it would, upon its successful occurrence,
>       cause Agora to be ossified or to cease to exist.
>       Attempting a forbidden action is PROHIBITED, and is the Class-4
>       Crime of Engaging in Forbidden Arts.
>       Submitting a forbidden proposal is PROHIBITED, and is the Class-1
>       Crime of Contemplating Forbidden Arts.
>       Being the author of an adopted forbidden proposal is PROHIBITED,
>       and is the Class-2 Crime of Suborning Forbidden Arts.
>       Having a final ballot that evaluates to FOR in the Agoran decision
>       on whether to adopt a forbidden proposal is PROHIBITED, and is the
>       Class-1 Crime of Abetting Forbidden Arts.

>From R. Lee

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