On 6/13/2020 9:13 AM, nch via agora-discussion wrote:
> On 6/13/20 10:01 AM, Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion wrote:
>> On 6/13/2020 3:43 AM, Cuddle Beam via agora-discussion wrote:
>>> So, with coins no longer backed by wins, the only pure mechanical value I
>>> see that they have left is to win zombie auctions to pick cards off dead
>>> people (so that you can win "fractions" of a win and other guaranteed
>>> mechanical perks).
>> I'm totally on board with zombie auction pools, but I also wanted to
>> mention that, in Sets and related protos, there was the intent bring in
>> auctions for cards so coins had multiple uses - that part was taken out of
>> Sets because auctions were broken, but I think there's a proposal in the
>> pool already to put it back in? (and if not, probably soon).
>> -G.
> I don't think there is but I'll gladly write one today if there's no 
> proposals currently up for vote that change how auctions work.

Went back and checked, in my flurry of proposals I stuck this one in
(couldn't remember if it was a proposal or just a proto):


If you want to take a different tack I don't mind withdrawing it.
I didn't see any auction-changing proposals go into the pool but who knows

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