> >> The Registrar SHALL track the date that a talisman for each zombie last
> >> belonged to Agora in eir weekly report. The Registrar SHALL perform all
> >> POSSIBLE actions in the preceding paragraph in a timely fashion after
> >> first reporting their possibility via the facts in eir weekly report.
> > Do you intend for the registrar to give notice for all of those actions in 
> > the
> > report or do them? I'm not sure e can do them without notice the way this is
> > worded.
> Same here; this text is copied from the current wording with the minimal
> adjustments to make it work with the rest of the draft.

I've been interpreting this clause as: whenever my weekly report shows
that one of these conditions is met (e.g. my report shows a resale
value of 0), that starts a countdown of 7 days within which I have to
make sure the action is performed. I generally don't handle actually
doing the actions in my reports; I send separate emails for the notice
and then actually doing the actions.

I do think the phrasing is a bit strange but it doesn't seem like a
real problem.

- Falsifian

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