On 5/24/20 2:57 PM, James Cook via agora-discussion wrote:
> Master is secured at power 2. Is there a way to secure asset
> ownership? Do we care?
>> A talisman is an asset with ownership restricted to players and Agora.
>> If there ever does not exist a talisman for a certain zombie, one is
>> created in the possession of Agora. If there ever exists more than one
>> talisman for a certain zombie, or more than zero talismans for any other
>> person, one talisman for that player is destroyed. Talismans are tracked
>> by the Registrar.
> I wonder if we could just declare that there's one talisman per zombie
> rather than specifying how they're created/destroyed to reach that
> state. Somehow trying to say how they're created/destroyed bugs me.
> Also I think this could also shorten this part of the slightly, and
> would allow the rule text to unashamedly refer to *the* talisman of a
> zombie.
> E.g:
> For every zombie, the talisman of that zombie is a unique indestructable asset
> with ownership restricted to players and Agora, defaulting to Agora.
> Talismans are tracked by the Registrar.
> And then instead of destroying a talisman you transfer it to Agora.

Specifying that it is transferred to Agora would also work under the
current draft, but I thought it was cleaner to just rely on

> I think this would mean a talisman stops existing when its zombie
> ceases to be a zombie, since it ceases to be defined by the rules. If
> we're worried about that we could add "The talisman of a zombie is
> destroyed when that zombie ceases to be a zombie.".

I think you're right about the talisman ceasing to exist, but I'm not
sure that "unique" is clearly specified enough - what happens when,
through some bug, a rule states that a new one is created when one
already exists? In fact, my proto doesn't even make this clear enough -
it doesn't specify _which_ talisman is destroyed.

>>     - If a zombie has been a zombie for the past 90 days and not had
>>     Agora for a master during any of that time, destroy one talisman for
>>     that zombie;
> Your implicit definition of "master" may apply only to players. How
> about instead "If Agora has not owned a particular talisman for the
> past 90 days, destroy that talisman"? (Or cause it to be transferred
> to Agora, if you're implementing my first suggestion.)

Drat, I thought I had gotten rid of all the references to "master". I'll
fix that.

Jason Cobb

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