\On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 4:32 PM Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> First Proto for an auction overhaul (not really much shorter than current
> version should we golf this? :) )
> Auctions generally:
>      The Block is an entity. Any asset that CAN be owned by Agora CAN
>      be owned by the block.  A lot is a non-empty list of assets that
>      belong to the block.
>      If a player (the auctioneer) is authorized by the rules to conduct an
>      auction for a specified group of assets (the items), e CAN initiate
>      the auction by publishing a Notice of Auction Initiation that
>      includes all of:
>      * A clear intent to initiate an auction;
>      * An ordered list of lots, specifying the items in each lot, such
>        that each item is in exactly one lot, and the items are grouped in
>        lots and ordered as specified by the authorizing rule (if no
>        grouping and/or ordering is specified, the unspecified details are
>        at the auctioneer's discretion);
>      * the minimum bid, and optionally the currency of the auction;
>      * the eligible bidders, which defaults to all players but may be
>        otherwise specified by the authorizing rule;
>      * As part of the Notice, one or more by-announcement actions that
>        succeed in either transferring to the block, or creating in
>        possession of the block, all of the items.
>      The specified ordering of the lots is the default preference for the
>      auction.
>      If the authorizing rule specifies that one or more of the items in an
>      auction are "new" items, then the auctioneer CAN create those items
>      in the possession of the block by announcement if the creation is
>      part of an otherwise correct auction initiation notice.
> Bidding
>      When an auction is initiated, its bidding period begins.  The bidding
>      period ends 7 days after its initiation, or if it began more than 96
>      hours ago and no bid has been placed or withdrawn in the last 96
>      hours.
>      During the bidding period, an eligible bidder CAN bid by
>      announcement, specifying the auction, an amount of the auction
>      currency (the bid) greater than the minimum bid, and optionally an
>      ordered list of lots (the bid's preference).  If no preference is
>      specified, that bid's preference is the default preference.
>      A person CAN withdraw their bid on an Auction by announcement. If
>      a person submits a bid on an Auction, all bids previously placed
>      on that Auction by that person are withdrawn.
>      A person SHALL NOT bid on an Auction if it would be impossible for
>      em to pay that amount at the conclusion of the Auction.
> Resolution
>      When an auction's bidding period ends, its valid bidders are the
>      entities who have placed non-withdrawn bids in the auction.  In a
>      timely fashion, the auctioneer SHALL publish a list of valid bidders,
>      their bids, and their assigned winning lot (if any), where their
>      winning lot is assigned by the auctioneer as follows:
>        [Credit to Alexis for this language]
>        For each valid bidder in descending order of bids (breaking ties in
>        favour of the bidder whose current bid was submitted first), of the
>        remaining lots, e is assigned the first as-yet unassigned lot that
>        1) appears first in eir preferences for that auction, if any,
>        otherwise 2) the one that appears first in the decision's default
>        preferences, if any, otherwise 3) one chosen by the auctioneer.
>        Continue in this manner until all lots have been assigned or the
>        list of valid bidders is exhausted. Any remaining bidders do not
>        win any lot, and any remaining lots are excess lots.
>      A document purporting to be such a publication is a self-ratifying
>      attestation that (1) such an auction existed; (2) the indicated bids
>      were valid bids; and (3) the indicated bidders were assigned the
>      indicated lots.
>      Within a timely fashion after such a publication, an entity with an
>      assigned winning lot CAN and SHALL claim eir lot by paying a fee
>      equal to eir bid to transfer the items in eir assigned winning lot
>      from the block to emself.  If any lots are not claimed in this
>      manner after the time limit expires, they become excess lots. Failure
>      to claim a winning lot within the time limit is a Class-2 crime.

In general, this looks good. For this crime though, I would love to
see a colorful name. Maybe, the Class-2 Crime of Leaving on the Block?

> [
> TODO: what happens to exess lots?

One option that I can see would be to have it go to Lost and Found or
have it returned to Agora. In either of these circumstances, there
could be some procedure for it entering a periodic consolidated
auction. We could also destroy it, but I don't particularly like that

> TODO: zombie auction compatibilty (totems?)

I like the idea of some item being tied to it, but I think we should
create a general framework for selling switch states because that
would also allow the auctioning of ribbons.

> ]

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